• 台励福电动叉车电瓶


     品牌:贝朗斯  型号:24-5PZB500  化学类型:铅酸  
     电压:48V  类型:牵引型  荷电状态:带液充电态  
     电池盖和排气栓结构:开口式  额定容量:500AH  外形尺寸:975X495X800 mm 
     适用范围:叉车  票据支持:16%增值税,销售合同  配送支持:送货上门,全国多地提供安装  
     保修期:二年  检验标准:原厂包装、原厂配件   

    台励福电瓶是台励福电动叉车专用蓄电池组,不同的吨位数配置电瓶不一样,台励福叉车电瓶一般以24只、40只不同的电压组合,可以满足每天8小时的工作量,深循环充电次数1000~1500次,是台湾*叉车品牌,这种叉车电瓶的使用寿命稳定性,多数靠的是后期维护与保养,台励福叉车蓄电池是根据电源箱尺寸规定电池容量,其中容量与叉车承托力,叉车电机功率挂钩,蓄电池容量决定叉车工作时间,容量越大,工作时间越长,但随之要求的电机配置越高,并非高容量电池组就好,我们要求的是标准容量,电池过大,充电电流必须增大,电机功率太小,大容量的牵引叉车电池无法发挥其剩余的电量,台励福作为台资企业,其根本设立台湾,在当地已经形成了巨大的品牌效应,特别在物流装备业,台励福叉车更是面面俱到,涉及各个领域, 高配置的铅酸蓄电池也随着叉车走遍大江南北,为使机械制程更精密更完善,产品更具有竞争力,台励福在品保方面不断地投入大笔资金与采购新的精密检测仪器。 目的就是使台励福生产出来的机械永远是品质的保证,除此之外我们的产品从进料到成品都采规格 化的管理,以达品质稳定的要求。

    我司广州贝朗斯公司专注台励福叉车电瓶经销批发多年,在华南地区,食品工业、仓储运输、冷品保鲜、快递公司、工厂物流等都 有应用到,客户群体遍布全国各地,台励福一直努力不懈地追求完美的产品品质,与研究创新技术,使公司不断的成长茁壮,我们的研发部门特别聘请具有丰富* 知识的机械博士与技术人员,完整的研发团队,不仅可以将产品导入尖端; 更可依客户特殊需求设计符合客户要求的机械,客户的满意一直是台励福不变的原则,欢迎采购台励福叉车蓄电池配套组,我司将一如既往提供更高性价比电池。目前我司所配套的台励福叉车电瓶耐震动性好:完全充电状态的电池完全固定,以4mm的振幅,16.7Hz的频率震动1小时,无漏液,无电池膨胀及破裂,开路电压正常。耐冲击性好:完全充电状态的电池从20cm高处自然落至1cm厚的硬木板上3次。无漏液,无电池膨胀及破裂,开路电压正常。台励福叉车电瓶价格可按照需求,选取不同的叉车电瓶型号,例如:1.5T、2T、3T的电瓶叉车蓄电池价格不一样,了解自己的叉车型号即可按需定制,24-5DB500是台励福FB15叉车专用蓄电池,24-6DB600是2吨、2.5吨台励福电瓶组。

    广州贝朗斯从业超过十五年,可快捷提供台湾台励福电瓶叉车蓄电池的报价单,台励福电瓶过量的电解质,胶体注入时为溶涸现象,电池热容量大,散热性好,不易产生热失控现象。胶体电池凝胶电解质对正极、负极活物质结晶过程产生有益影响,使电池的深放电循环能力好,抗负极硫酸盐化能力增强,使电池在过放电后恢复能力大幅提高。 台励福叉车蓄电池充电设备能正常工作的条件下将密度为1.260±0.005(25℃)温度小于30℃的 硫酸电解液灌入电池,液面高出保护板15~25(mm)或符合右图要求。此时为了将低电解液因化学反应而上升的温度让电解液充分渗入极板,隔板孔隙内;电池需静置3~4小时,不超过8小时。待液温降至35℃以下方可进行初充电。 台励福叉车电池采用德国VARTA公司牵引用铅酸蓄电池专有技术进行设计,按照ISO9001系列标准组织生产。性能符合GB(国家标准)、DIN(德国标准)、JIS(日本标准)、BS(英国标准)和IEC(国际电工委员会标准)具有体积小、容量大、寿命长、维护少、外形美观等特点,台励福叉车蓄电池的液孔塞类型:A、翻盖式;这种形式的液孔塞在蓄电池市场比较普遍,优点在于加液简单,多数电瓶生产厂家得以采用。B、旋钮式;这款产品为近年来新开发的产品,优点较为美观,对电池密闭性能起到很好的保护作用。

    中间有一片滤汽片,能够吸收水汽,使蓄电池维护也变得较为方便。浮标式:这种液孔塞也是近年来开发的产品,大的优点在于这种产品的底部有一个浮标,能够提醒用户什么时间可以开始对电池进行加水维护,电池外观也较为美观。 台励福叉车电瓶的隔板类型:PP隔板,化学名称:聚丙稀。英文名称:Polypropylene(简称PP),比重:0.9-0.91克/立方厘米 成型收缩率:1.0-2.5%成型温度:160-220特点:密度小,强度刚度,硬度耐热。性均优于低聚乙稀,可在100度左右使用。具有良好的电性能和高频绝缘性不受湿度影响,但低温时变脆、不耐磨、易老化。适于制作一般机械零件,耐腐 零件和绝缘零件。

    台励福电瓶叉车蓄电池的基本组成及使用说明: 一、基本组成 四个基本部分: 1、由两种不同材料组成的电极——正极和负极 2、将两个电极分隔开的隔板 3、电解液 4、电池槽盖 正极和负极: 1、由活性物质材料和板栅组成。 2、正极活性物质为二氧化铅(PbO2), 负极活性物质为海绵状铅(Pb) 3、参与成流反应和起导电的作用 4、是电池中决定电性能的主要部件 隔板: 1、作用是防止正、负极直接接触而短路 2、是对电子的不良导体和对离子的良导体 3、具备多孔性、良好的耐酸性、耐氧化性和亲水性、低电阻、有害杂质少等要求 4、材料主要有微孔橡胶、PE、PVC、PP、聚酯等 电解液: 1、保证正、负极间的离子导电作用 2、密度为1.200 g/cm3~1.350g/cm3的稀硫酸水溶液 电池槽盖: 1、起容器的作用 2、具有良好的耐酸性、耐温性和绝缘性,并具有良好的机械强度。 二、叉车蓄电池的基本工作原理: 充电过程: 在充电末期,当充电电压达到水的分解电压时,正极将产生氧气(O2),负极将产生氢气(H2)。 铅酸蓄电池5小时率放电曲线 三、叉车电池的使用寿命: 1、电池的使用寿命是按照电池充放电的次数来计算的。 2、电池充饱电后放电80%C5后,再充饱电,视为一次充放循环。 3、目前,牵引用铅酸蓄电池的***长使用寿命为1500次。 Tailift tailift electric forklift battery is the special battery group, different tonnage configuration tailift forklift battery battery is not the same, generally 24, 40 different voltage combination, can meet the 8 hours a day of work, deep charge cycles from 1000 to 1500, Taiwan is well-known brand forklift service life, the stability of the forklift battery most, is on the stage of maintenance and maintenance, tailift forklift battery is based on the power supply box size specified battery capacity, the capacity and the bearing force of forklift, forklift motor power hook, battery capacity determined working time, the greater capacity to work longer, but then the motor configuration is high, not high capacity battery group is good, we require is the standard battery capacity is too large, the charging current must be increased, the motor power is too small, large capacity Traction forklift battery cannot play its remaining power, Tai Lifu as a Taiwan funded enterprises, the basic establishment of Taiwan, in the local has formed a tremendous brand, especially in the industry of logistics equipment, Tai Lifu forklift is comprehensive, involving various fields, high configuration of lead-acid battery with forklift traveled on both sides of the Changjiang River, to more sophisticated mechanical process the more perfect products, more competitive, Tai Lifu in goods continued to invest large sums of money and sophisticated detection equipment procurement of new. The purpose is to make the machinery produced by Tai Lifu is always a guarantee of quality, in addition to our products from the finished products are standardized management, in order to meet the requirements of stable quality.

    Our Guangzhou Bei rance company focused tailift battery wholesale distribution for many years, in the Southern China area, food industry, transportation and warehousing, cold preservation, goods delivery companies, factory logistics are all applied to customers throughout the country, Taiwan always strive to pursue the perfect product quality, research and innovation, the company has the growth, our R & D department commissioned a special mechanical and technical personnel, professional knowledge, complete R & D team, not only can the product into the tip; more according to customer special requirement of design to meet customer requirements of machinery, customer satisfaction has always been tailift the same principle, welcome to purchase tailift forklift battery supporting group. Our company will provide more cost-effective batteries as in the past. At present, our matching tailift forklift battery good shock resistance: the state of the fully charged battery is completely fixed, the amplitude of 4mm, 16.7Hz frequency vibration for 1 hours, no leakage, no cell expansion and rupture, the normal open circuit voltage. Good impact resistance: fully charged state of the battery from the height of 20cm natural fall to 1cm thick hard board 3 times. No leakage, no battery expansion and rupture, open circuit voltage. Tai Lifu forklift battery price in accordance with the requirements, selection of different types such as: battery forklift, battery forklift battery price 1.5T, 2T and 3T are not the same, to understand their own forklift model can be customized, 24-5DB500 is Tai Lifu FB15 forklift battery, 24-6DB600 is 2 tons, 2.5 tons of Tai Lifu battery group.
    Guangzhou Bei Langsi business more than fifteen years, can quickly provide the quotation of Taiwan Tai Lifu battery forklift battery, Tai Lifu's battery of excessive electrolyte, colloid injection solution for dry battery phenomenon, large heat capacity, good heat dissipation, easy to produce thermal runaway phenomenon. Have a beneficial effect on the gel electrolyte colloid battery positive electrode and the negative electrode active material crystallization process, the battery discharging cycle ability, enhance the anti negative sulfation capacity of the battery in a recovery capacity increase after discharge. Tailift forklift battery charging equipment can work normally under the condition of the density is 1.260 + 0.005 (25 C) sulfate electrolyte temperature less than 30 DEG C into the battery, high level protection plate 15 ~ 25 (mm) or with the requirements. At this point in order to reduce the temperature of the electrolyte due to chemical reaction and the temperature of the electrolyte to fully penetrate into the polar plate, baffle hole; the battery needs to be placed 3 ~ 4 hours, not more than 8 hours. When the liquid temperature is below 35 DEG C, the initial charging can be carried out. Tailift forklift battery is designed with the use of proprietary technology of lead-acid battery traction German VARTA company, according to the ISO9001 series of standards of production. Performance of the GB (national standard), DIN (German standard), JIS (Japan), BS (British Standard) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission Standard) has the advantages of small size, large capacity, long service life, less maintenance, beautiful appearance, vent plug type tailift forklift battery: A, clamshell this form of liquid hole; plug in the battery market is relatively common, and has the advantages of simple liquid, most battery manufacturers to use. B, knob type; this product is a new product developed in recent years, the advantages of more beautiful, the battery sealing performance plays a very good protection.
    There is a piece of filter in the middle, can absorb moisture, so that the battery maintenance has become more convenient. Buoy type: the vent plug is developed in recent years, the advantages of this product is to have a buoy at the bottom, what time to remind the user can start the battery with battery maintenance, the appearance is beautiful. The partition type tailift forklift battery: PP separator, chemical name: polypropylene. English Name: Polypropylene (referred to as PP), the proportion: 0.9-0.91 g / cm3 molding shrinkage rate: 1.0-2.5% molding temperature: 160-220 features: density, strength, hardness, heat resistance. Are better than the oligomeric PVC, can be used at 100 degrees. It has good electrical properties and high frequency insulation and is not affected by humidity, but it is brittle, not wear resistant and easy to aging at low temperature. suitable。

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