• 德国Eppendorf艾本德移液器/移液枪


     品牌:德国Eppendorf艾本德  型号:Xplorer  加工定制:否  
     类型:连续  结构形式:可调式  测量范围:1000  
     测量精度:0.01  重量:0.2 kg 适用范围:1  
    Eppendorf Research plus 移液器在全世界范围内使用广泛。 除了安全性和经久耐用外,其设计更集中于人体工程学。 Research plus 移液器在日常使用中可保护使用者的身体健康。 倡导 PhysioCare Concept® 理念,从而显著降低移液操作时手部和臂部用力
    Research plus 移液器是 Eppendorf 移液产品家族中重量***轻和操作用力***小的产品。 更小的操作用力只能由我们的Eppendorf电动移液器来实现。 弹性吸嘴,提高移液均一性,降低装配/脱卸吸头用力。 Research plus 移液器无需拆开即可整支高温高压灭菌。 还可选配固定量程和多通道移液器,Research plus 移液器是您实验室不可或缺的移液工具。
    超轻设计的 Research 移液器符合 Eppendorf PhysioCare Concept 理念的严格标准
    Eppendorf PerfectPiston: 超轻的耐化学腐蚀活塞
    弹性吸嘴功能可降低装配吸头的用力,提高移液均一性(不适用于 5 mL 10 mL 移液器)
    快速衔接卡口,方便脱卸下半部分,易于清洁或维护(不适用于 5 mL 10 mL 移液器)
    货品编码 货品名称 货品规格
    3120000216 德国Eppendorf艾本德Research plus 单道可调量程移液器 不含吸头, 0.1-2.5µl
    3120000224 不含吸头, 0.5-10µl
    3120000232 不含吸头, 2-20µl,黄色
    3120000240 不含吸头,10-100µl
    3120000259 不含吸头, 20-200µl
    3120000267 不含吸头, 100-1000µl
    3120000275 不含吸头, 0.5-5ml
    3120000291 不含吸头, 2-20µl,灰色
    3120000305 不含吸头, 30-300µl
    3120000283 不含吸头, 1-10ml
    3120000011 含吸头, 0.1-2.5µl
    3120000020 含吸头, 0.5-10µl
    3120000038 含吸头, 2-20µl,黄色
    3120000046 含吸头,10-100µl
    3120000054 含吸头, 20-200µl
    3120000062 含吸头, 100-1000µl
    3120000070 含吸头, 500-5000µl
    3120000089 含吸头, 1000-10000µl
    3120000097 含吸头, 2-20µl,灰色
    3120000100 含吸头, 30-300µl
    3120000909 Research plus套装1 (0.5-10µl, 10-100µl, 100-1000µl) + 3 盒适配吸头
    3120000917 Research plus套装2 (2-20 μl, 20-200 μl, 100-1000 μl) + 3盒适配吸头
    3120000925 Research plus套装3 (100-1000ul, 0.5-5ml, 1-10ml), 含吸头样品
    3122000019 Research plus 8道可调量程移液器 0.5-10µl
    3122000035 10-100µl
    3122000051 30-300µl
    3122000027 Research plus 12道可调量程移液器   0.5-10µl
    3122000043 10-100µl
    3122000060 30-300µl
    3121000015 Research plus 单道固定量程移液器 10 µl,灰色
    3121000023 10 µl,黄色
    3121000031 20 µl,灰色
    3121000040 20 µl,黄色
    3121000058 25 µl
    3121000066  50 µl
    3121000074 100 µl
    3121000082 200 µl,黄色
    3121000090 200 µl,蓝色
    3121000104 250 µl
    3121000112 500 µl
    3121000120 1000 µl
    4420815005 EASYPET壁挂式支架
    4423000010 Eppendorf Pipet Helper 手动助吸器
    4423601014 滤膜 3 µm, 适配Eppendorf Pipet Helper, 非无菌, 10
    4430000018 Easypet 3 电动助吸器, 包括电源插头, 充电器,桌面支撑架和2片滤膜0.45 µm (非无菌)
    4430603006 Easypet 3 桌面支撑架
    4430604002 Easypet 3 壁挂式支架
    4430605009 锂聚合物电池, 3.7 V, 适配Easypet 3
    4430606005 滤膜0.2µm, 适配 Easypet 4421Easypet 3, 灭菌, PTFE, 5
    4720000011 Varipette 4720 连续移液器, 连续可调量程, 移液范围1-10ml
    4861000015 德国Eppendorf艾本德Eppendorf Xplorer电动移液器 单道 0.5-10µl, 多功能操作摇杆灰色, 适配20µl 移液吸头
    4861000023 5-100µl, 多功能操作摇杆黄色, 适配200µl 移液吸头
    4861000031 15-300µl, 多功能操作摇杆桔黄色, 适配300µl 移液吸头
    4861000040 50-1000µl, 多功能操作摇杆蓝色, 适配1000µl 移液吸头
    4861000058 0.25-5ml, 多功能操作摇杆紫色,适配5ml 移液吸头
    4861000066 0.5-10ml, 多功能操作摇杆蓝绿色, 适配10ml 移液吸头
    4861000104 Eppendorf Xplorer电动移液器, 8 0.5-10µl, 多功能操作摇杆灰色, 适配20µl移液吸头 
    4861000120 5-100µl, 多功能操作摇杆黄色, 适配200µl 移液吸头
    4861000147 15-300µl, 多功能操作摇杆桔黄色, 适配300µl 移液吸头
    4861000163 50-1200µl, 多功能操作摇杆绿色, 适配1250µl 移液吸头
    4861000112 Eppendorf Xplorer电动移液器,12 0.5-10µl, 多功能操作摇杆灰色, 适配20µl 移液吸头
    4861000139 5-100µl, 多功能操作摇杆黄色, 适配200µl 移液吸头
    4861000155 15-300µl, 多功能操作摇杆桔黄色, 适配300µl 移液吸头
    4861000171 50-1200µL, 多功能操作摇杆绿色, 适配1250µL移液吸头
    4861000708 Eppendorf Xplorer plus电动移液器  单道 0.5-10µL, 多功能操作摇杆灰色, 适配20µL 移液吸头
    4861000716 5-100µL, 多功能操作摇杆黄色, 适配200µL 移液吸头
    4861000724 15-300µL, 多功能操作摇杆桔黄色, 适配300µL移液吸头
    4861000732 50-1000µL,多功能操作摇杆蓝色, 适配1000µL移液吸头
    4861000740 0.25-5mL, 多功能操作摇杆紫色,适配5mL移液吸头
    4861000759 0.5-10mL, 多功能操作摇杆蓝绿色, 适配10mL 移液吸头
    4861000767 Eppendorf Xplorer plus电动移液器    8 0.5-10µL, 多功能操作摇杆灰色, 适配20µL移液吸头
    4861000783 5-100µL, 多功能操作摇杆黄色, 适配200µL移液吸头
    4861000805 15-300µL, 多功能操作摇杆桔黄色, 适配300µL 移液吸头 
    4861000821 50-1200µL, 多功能操作摇杆绿色, 适配1250µL移液吸头
    4861000775 Eppendorf Xplorer plus电动移液器    12 0.5-10µL, 多功能操作摇杆灰色, 适配20µL 移液吸头
    4861000791 5-100µL, 多功能操作摇杆黄色, 适配200µL移液吸头
    4861000813 15-300µL, 多功能操作摇杆桔黄色, 适配300µL移液吸头
    4861000830 50-1200µL, 多功能操作摇杆绿色, 适配1250µL移液吸头
    4880000000 Eppendorf Xplorer电动移液器充电架, 可放置1Xplorer电动移液器
    4880000018 Multipette/(X)stream电动充电架
    4880000026 Eppendorf Xplorer电动移液器充电架, 可放置4Xplorer电动移液器
    4880601003 Multipette/(X)stream 旋转式充电支架的充电外壳
    4880602000 Xplorer 旋转式充电支架的充电外壳
    4920000016 Eppendorf Reference® 2                单道可调量程移液器 0.1-2.5 µL, 深灰色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头盒
    4920000024 0.5-10 µL, 灰色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头盒
    4920000032 2-20 µL, 浅灰色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头盒
    4920000040 2-20 µL, 黄色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头盒
    4920000059 10-100 µL, 黄色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头盒
    4920000067 20-200 µL, 黄色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头盒
    4920000075 30-300 µL, 桔黄色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头盒
    4920000083 100-1000 µL, 蓝色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头盒
    4920000091 0.25-2.5 mL, 红色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头
    4920000105 0.5-5 mL, 紫色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头
    4920000113 1-10 mL, 青绿色, epT.I.P.S. 吸头
    4920000903 Eppendorf Reference 2 三支套装移液器1                                                                                       量程:0.5-10 µL, 10-100 µL, 100-1000 µL, 包含epT.I.P.S.原装吸头
    4920000911 Eppendorf Reference 2 三支套装移液器2                                                                                     量程: 2-20 µL, 20-200 µL, 100-1000 µL, 包含epT.I.P.S.原装吸头
    4920000920 Eppendorf Reference 2 三支套装移液器3                                                                                     量程: 100-1000 µL, 0.5-5 mL, 1-10 mL, 包含epT.I.P.S.原装吸头
    4921000010 Eppendorf Reference® 2                  单道固定量程移液器 1 µL, 深灰色
    4921000028 2 µL, 深灰色
    4921000036 5 µL, 灰色
    4921000044 10 µL, 灰色
    4921000052 10 µL, 黄色
    4921000060 20 µL, 浅灰色
    4921000079 20 µL, 黄色
    4921000087  25 µL, 黄色
    4921000095  50 µL, 黄色
    4921000109 100 µL, 黄色
    4921000117  200 µL, 黄色
    4921000125 200 µL, 蓝色
    4921000133 250 µL, 蓝色
    4921000141 500 µL, 蓝色
    4921000150 1000 µL, 蓝色
    4921000168 2 mL, 红色
    4921000176 2.5 mL, 红色
    4922000013 Eppendorf Reference® 2                   可调量程移液器8 0.5-10 µL, 灰色    
    4922000030 10-100 µL, 黄色
    4922000056 30-300 µL, 桔黄色
    4922000021 Eppendorf Reference® 2                可调量程移液器12 0.5-10 µL, 灰色
    4922000048 10-100 µL, 黄色
    4922000064 30-300 µL, 桔黄色
    4923000009 Reference 2 旋转式移液器支架
    4923000017 Eppendorf Reference 2 挂壁式支架
    4923601002 Eppendorf Reference 2 移液器支架(挂在旋转支架上)
    4960000019 Varispenser 瓶口分液器 0.5 - 2.5 ml
    4960000027 1 - 5 ml
    4960000035 2 - 10 ml
    4960000043 5 - 25 ml
    4960000051 10 - 50 ml
    4960000060  20 - 100 ml
    4961000012 Varispenser plus 瓶口分液器 0.5 - 2.5 ml
    4961000020 1 - 5 ml
    4961000039  2 - 10 ml
    4961000047 5 - 25 ml
    4961000055 10 - 50 ml
    4961000063  20 - 100 ml
    4960824003 散装管子, 一扎, 80 cm, 适合Varispenser/plus, 2.5-10 ml
    4960825000 散装管子, 一扎, 80 cm, 适合Varispenser/plus, 25-100 ml
    4965000017 Top Buret M 数字滴定仪
    4965000025 Top Buret H  数字滴定仪
    4981000019 Multipette plus  连续分液器
    4981201006 Multipette plus 连续分液器适配器, 适配旋转式移液器支架
    4981203009 Multipette plus 连续分液器适配器, 适配壁挂式固定器
    4982000012 Multipette M4连续手动分液器, 包括挂壁式支架, 用于悬挂在移液器旋转支架上
    4982000314 Multipette M4 连续手动分液器启动套装,包含M4一支,分液管盒一个,混合装分液管一包
    4986000017 Multipette stream 电动连续分液器 含充电器
    4986000025 含充电架
    4986000807  Multipette Xstream 电动连续分液器 含充电器
    4986000815 含充电架  
    0030000730 epTIPS 普通袋装吸头,优质级 50-1250µl L 加长型, 2x500 吸头
    0030000765 1-10ml, 2x100 个吸头
    0030000781 1-10ml L 加长型, 2x100 个吸头
    0030000811 0.1-10µl, 2x500 个吸头
    0030000838 0.1-20µl, 2x500 个吸头
    0030000854 0.5-20µl, 2x500 个吸头
    0030000870 2-200µl, 2x500 个吸头, 黄色
    0030000889 2-200µl, 2x500 个吸头,无色
    0030000897 20-300µl, 2x500 个吸头, 黄色
    0030000900 20-300µl, 2x500 个吸头,无色
    0030000919 50-1000µl, 2x500 个吸头, 蓝色
    0030000927 50-1000µl, 2x500 个吸头, 无色
    0030000935 50-1250µl, 2x500 吸头
    0030000951 500-2500µl, 5x100 吸头
    0030000978 100-5000µl, 5x100 个吸头
    0030001222 epTIPS GELoader 凝胶上样吸头, 0.5-20µl, 2x96
    0030001320 Mastertips即用型内置活塞式吸头, 5x96=480
    0030010019 epTIPS 独立包装 生物纯级 0.1-20µl, 100个吸头
    0030010035 2-200µ,100个吸头
    0030010051 50-1000µl, 100个吸头
    0030014405 epTIPS Motion 移液吸头 不含滤芯, 1-50µl, 10x96个盒装吸头
    0030014413 含滤芯, 1-50µl, 10x96个盒装吸头, PCR洁净级
    0030014421 不含滤芯, 1-50µl, 预装板, 每包24x96
    0030014430 含滤芯, 1-50µl, 预装板, 每包24x96
    0030014448 不含滤芯, 20-300µl, 10x96个盒装吸头
    0030014456 含滤芯, 20-300µl, 10x96个盒装吸头, PCR 洁净级
    0030014464 不含滤芯, 20-300µl, 预装板, 每包24x96
    0030014472 含滤芯,  20-300µl,  预装板, 每包24x96
    0030014480 不含滤芯, 40-1000µl, 10x96个盒装吸头
    0030014499 含滤芯, 40-1000µl, 10x96个盒装吸头, PCR 洁净级
    0030014502 不含滤芯, 40-1000µl, 预装板, 每包24x96
    0030014510 含滤芯, 40-1000µl, 24x96
    0030014600 1-50µl, 10x96SafeRack盒装吸头, Eppendorf 优质级
    0030014618  1-50µl, 10x96SafeRack盒装吸头, PCR 洁净级
    0030014642 40-1000µl, 10x96SafeRack盒装吸头, Eppendorf 优质级
    0030014650 40-1000µl, 10x96SafeRack盒装吸头, PCR 洁净级
    0030015207 不含滤芯, 1-50µl, 10x96个盒装吸头,无菌级
    0030015215 含滤芯, 1-50µl, 每包10x96个盒装吸头, PCR 洁净级, 无菌级
    0030015223 不含滤芯, 20-300µl, 10x96个盒装吸头,无菌级
    0030015231 含滤芯, 20-300µl, 每包10x96, PCR 洁净级, 无菌级
    0030015240 不含滤芯, 40-1000µl, 10x96个盒装吸头, 无菌级
    0030015258 含滤芯, 40-1000µl, 10x96个盒装吸头,PCR洁净级, 无菌级
    Combitips advanced 分液管
    0030089405 Combitips advanced 分液管标准级, 0.1 ml, 100
    0030089413 0.2 ml, 100
    0030089421 0.5 ml, 100
    0030089430 1.0 ml, 100
    0030089448 2.5 ml, 100
    0030089456 5.0 ml, 100
    0030089464 10 ml, 100
    0030089472 25 ml, 100
    0030089480 50 ml, 100
    0030089618   Combitips advanced 分液管, 生物纯级 0.1ml, 100个独立包装
    0030089626   Combitips advanced 分液管, 生物纯级 0.2ml, 100个独立包装
    0030089634   Combitips advanced 分液管, 生物纯级 0.5ml, 100个独立包装
    0030089642   Combitips advanced 分液管, 生物纯级 1.0 ml, 100个独立包装
    0030089650   Combitips advanced 分液管, 生物纯级 2.5 ml, 100个独立包装
    0030089669   Combitips advanced 分液管, 生物纯级 5.0 ml, 100个独立包装
    0030089677   Combitips advanced 分液管, 生物纯级 10 ml, 100个独立包装
    0030089685   Combitips advanced 分液管, 生物纯级 25 ml, 100个独立包装
    0030089693   Combitips advanced 分液管, 生物纯级 50 ml, 100个独立包装
    0030089715   Combitips advanced 25 ml 适配器 1 , 标准级, 红色
    0030089723   Combitips advanced 50 ml 适配器 1 , 标准级, 淡灰色
    0030089731   Combitips advanced 25 ml 适配器7 生物纯级, 红色
    0030089740   Combitips advanced 50 ml 适配器7 生物纯级, 淡灰色
    0030089758   Combitips advanced Rack 分液管盒, 可放置8个分液管(0.1 ml - 10 ml)
    0030089766   Combitips advanced 分液管, PCR 洁净级, 0.1 ml, 100
    0030089774   Combitips advanced 分液管, PCR 洁净级, 0.2 ml, 100
    0030089782   Combitips advanced 分液管, PCR 洁净级, 0.5 ml, 100
    0030089790   Combitips advanced 分液管, PCR 洁净级, 1.0 ml, 100
    0030089804   Combitips advanced 分液管, PCR 洁净级, 2.5 ml, 100
    0030089812   Combitips advanced 分液管, PCR 洁净级, 5.0 ml, 100
    0030089820   Combitips advanced 分液管, PCR 洁净级, 10.0 ml, 100
    0030089839   Combitips advanced 分液管, PCR 洁净级, 25.0 ml, 100
    0030089847   Combitips advanced 分液管, PCR 洁净级, 50.0 ml, 100
    0030089936   Combitips advanced 混合套装, 每个量程1, 25 mL50 mL适配器各1
    Tubes 离心管及配件
    0030108035 DNA LoBind tubes, 0.5ml, PCR clean, 250 pcs. DNA 低吸附管 0.5ml, PCR洁净级,250
    0030108051 DNA LoBind tubes, 1.5ml, PCR clean, 250 pcs. DNA 低吸附管 1.5ml, PCR洁净级,250
    0030108078 DNA LoBind tubes, 2.0ml, PCR clean, 250 pcs. DNA 低吸附管 2.0ml, PCR洁净级, 250
    0030108094 Protein LoBind tubes, 0.5ml, PCR clean, 100 pcs. 蛋白低吸附管 0.5ml, PCR洁净级, 100
    0030108116 Protein LoBind tubes, 1.5ml, PCR clean, 100 pcs. 蛋白低吸附管 1.5ml, PCR洁净级, 100
    0030108132 Protein LoBind tubes, 2.0ml, PCR clean, 100 pcs. 蛋白低吸附管 2.0ml, PCR洁净级, 100
    0030108302 Eppendorf Protein LoBind Tubes® 5.0 mL, PCR clean, 100 pcs., 2 bags of 50 Tubes® each each Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管, 低蛋白吸附, PCR洁净级, 100(2x50)
    0030108310 Eppendorf DNA LoBind Tubes® 5.0 mL, PCR clean, 200 pcs., 4 bags of 50 Tubes® each Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管, DNA吸附, PCR洁净级, 200(4x50)
    0030119380 Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, Starter Pack, PCR clean, 400 Tubes, 2 Tube-Racks,8 adapters for rotors with bore for 15 mL conical tub Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管起始套装, PCR洁净级, 400(4x100), 2个离心管架, 8个通用转子适配器, 其孔径大小可放置15mL 锥形离心管

    0030119401 Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, Eppendorf quality, 200 pcs., 2 bags of 100 Tubes® each Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管, Eppendorf 优质级, 200(2x100)
    0030119452 Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, amber, Eppendorf quality, 200 pcs., 2 bags of 100 Tubes each Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管, 琥珀色, Eppendorf 优质级, 200(2x100)
    0030119460 Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, PCR clean, 200 pcs., 2 bags of 100 Tubes® each Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管, PCR clean洁净级, 200(2x100)
    0030119479 Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, Biopur, 50 pcs., individually packed tubes Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管, Biopur 生物纯级, 50(单独包装)
    0030119487 Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, Sterile, 200 pcs., 10 bags of 20 Tubes® each Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管, 无菌级, 200(10x20)
    0030119495 Tube Rack for Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, 2 pieces Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管管架, 2
    0030119509 Tube Clip for Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, 10 pieces Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管管夹,10
    0030127943 Storage Box for Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, 2 pieces Eppendorf 5.0 mL 离心管保存盒, 2
    5820732008 Universal adapter for 5ml tubes, 8pcs 5ml离心管通用适配器,8
    0030120086 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 1.5 ml, colourless, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 1.5 ml, 无色,1000
    0030120094 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 2.0 ml, colourless, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 2.0 ml, 无色,1000
    0030120159 Safe-Lock micro test tubes 1.5 ml, yellow, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 1.5 ml, 黄色,1000
    0030120167 Safe-Lock micro test tubes 1.5 ml, red, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 1.5 ml, 红色,1000
    0030120175 Safe-Lock micro test tubes 1.5 ml, blue, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 1.5 ml, 蓝色,1000
    0030120183 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 1.5 ml, green, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 1.5 ml, 绿色,1000
    0030120191 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 1.5 ml, amber, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 1.5ml, 琥珀色,1000
    0030120205 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 2.0 ml, yellow, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 2.0ml, 黄色,1000
    0030120213 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 2.0 ml, red, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 2.0ml, 红色,1000
    0030120221 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 2.0 ml blue, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 2.0ml, 蓝色,1000
    0030120230 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 2.0 ml, green, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 2.0ml, 绿色,1000
    0030120248 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 2.0 ml, amber, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 2.0ml, 琥珀色,1000
    0030120973 Micropestles, 10 pieces Micropestles微型小杵, 10
    0030121023 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 0.5 ml, colourless, 500 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 0.5 ml, 无色,500
    0030121112 Safe-Lock micro test-tubes 0.5 ml, yellow, 500 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 0.5 ml, 黄色,500
    0030121120 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 0.5 ml, red, 500 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 0.5 ml, 红色,500
    0030121139 Safe-Lock micro test tubes 0.5 ml, blue, 500 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 0.5 ml, 蓝色,500
    0030121147 Safe-Lock micro test tubes 0.5 ml, green, 500 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 0.5 ml, 绿色, 500
    0030121155 Safe-Lock micro test tubes 0.5 ml, amber, 500 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 0.5 ml, 琥珀色,500
    0030121570 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 0.5 ml, Biopur, 50 pcs. individually sealed Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 0.5 ml, 生物纯级, 50个独立包装
    0030121589 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 1.5 ml, Biopur, 100 pcs. individually sealed Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 1.5 ml, 生物纯级, 100个独立包装
    0030121597 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 2.0 ml, Biopur, 100 pcs. individually sealed Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 2.0 ml, 生物纯级, 100个独立包装
    0030121686 Safe-Lock micro test tubes 2.0 ml, assortment, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管 2.0 ml, 各色混合型, 1000
    0030121694 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 1.5 ml, assortment, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管 1.5 ml, 各色混合型, 1000
    0030121708 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 0.5ml, assortment, 500 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管 0.5ml, 各色混合型, 500
    0030122151 Conical Tubes 15 mL, sterile, bulk, 500pcs 15 mL 锥底离心管, 无菌, 袋装, 500
    0030122178 Conical Tubes 50 mL, sterile, bulk, 500 pcs 50 mL 锥底离心管, 无菌, 袋装, 500
    0030123107 Tube-rack for 0.5 ml test tubes 微量离心管架, 用于0.5 ml 微量离心管
    0030123115 Tube-Rack for 1.5-2.0 ml test tubes 微量离心管架, 用于1.5-2.0 ml 微量离心管
    0030123301 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 0.5 ml, PCR clean, colourless, 500 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 0.5 ml, PCR洁净级, 无色, 500
    0030123328 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 1.5 ml, PCR clean, colourless, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 1.5 ml, PCR洁净级, 无色, 1000
    0030123344 Safe-Lock micro test tubes, 2.0 ml, PCR clean, colourless, 1000 pcs. Safe-Lock 微量离心管, 2.0 ml, PCR洁净级, 无色, 1000
    0030125150 Micro test tube 3810X, 1.5 ml colourless, 1000 pcs 微量离心管3810X, 1.5 ml, 无色,1000
    0030125177 Micro test tube 3810X, 1.5 ml, blue, 1000 pcs. 微量离心管3810X, 1.5 ml, 蓝色,1000
    0030125185 Micro test tube 3810X, 1.5 ml, green, 1000 pcs. 微量离心管3810X, 1.5 ml, 绿色,1000
    0030125193 Micro test tube 3810X, 1.5 ml, red, 1000 pcs. 微量离心管3810X, 1.5 ml, 红色,1000
    0030125207 Micro test tube 3810X, 1.5 ml, yellow, 1000 pcs. 微量离心管3810X, 1.5 ml, 黄色,1000
    0030125215 Micro test tubes 3810X, PCR clean, colourless 微量离心管3810X, 1.5 ml, PCR洁净级, 1000
    3821000008 Micro test tube holder 3821 3821型微量离心管架
    3880000011 IsoTherm-System Starter Set, for 0.5 ml tubes IsoTherm-System 启动装, 用于 0.5 ml 微量离心管
    3880000020 IsoSafe and IsoPack, set for 0.5 ml tubes, 0°C IsoSafe IsoPack 套装, 0°C 冰盒, 用于 0.5ml 微量离心管
    3880000038 IsoRack, set of 4 racks, for 0.5 ml tubes IsoRack 管架, 管架和盖子各4,用于 0.5ml 微量离心管
    3880000046 IsoSafe and IsoPack, set for 0.5 ml tubes, -21°C IsoSafe IsoPack 套装, -21°C 冰盒, 用于 0.5ml 微量离心管
    3880000160 IsoPack and IsoRack Set, for 0.5 ml tubes, 0°C IsoRack 管架和 IsoPack 套装, 0°C 冰盒, 用于 0.5ml 微量离心管
    3880000178 IsoPack and IsoRack Set, for 0.5 ml tubes, -21°C IsoRack 管架和 IsoPack 套装,  -21°C冰盒, 用于 0.5ml 微量离心管
    3880001018 IsoTherm-System Starter Set, for 1.5/2.0 ml tubes IsoTherm-System 启动装, 用于1.5ml/2.0ml 微量离心管
    3880001026 IsoSafe and IsoPack, set for 1.5/2.0 ml tubes, 0°C IsoSafe IsoPack 套装, 0°C 冰盒, 用于 1.5/2.0ml 微量离心管
    3880001034 IsoRack, set of 4 racks, for 1.5/2.0 ml tubes IsoRack 管架, 用于 1.5 ml/2.0 ml 微量离心管
    3880001042 IsoSafe and IsoPack, set for 1.5/2.0 ml tubes, -21°C IsoSafe + IsoPack 套装, -21°C 冰盒, 用于1.5/2.0 ml 微量离心管
    3880001166 IsoPack and IsoRack Set, for 1.5/2.0 ml tubes, 0°C IsoRack 管架 + IsoPack 套装, 0°C 冰盒, 用于1.5/2.0 ml 微量离心管
    3880001174 IsoPack and IsoRack Set, for 1.5/2.0 ml tubes, -21°C IsoRack 管架 + IsoPack 套装, -21°C 冰盒, 用于1.5/2.0 ml 微量离心管
    PCR consumables PCR 耗材
    0030124235 Work trays, for 0.2 ml PCR Tubes, for 96 tubes, set of 10 工作板, 用于 96×0.2 ml PCR , 一套10
    0030124243 Frame, for work tray, set of 5 (together with tray = rack) 框架, 一套5, 与工作板合用组成 PCR 管架
    0030124332 0.2 ml PCR tubes, colourless, per 1,000 pcs. 0.2 ml 带挂钩的PCR薄壁管, 无色, 1000
    0030124359 Eight-tube strip, for 0.2 ml PCR Tubes, pack of 120 (= 960 tubes) 8排管, 0.2 ml PCR, 每包120 (= 960 个管)
    0030124537 PCR tubes 0.5mL, colourless, 500 pcs. 0.5 ml PCR薄壁管, 无色, 500
    0030124545 PCR Rack, 10 pcs. PCR管架, 10
    0030124804 PCR Tube Strips 0.1mL, without caps, 10 x 12 strips 八联管, 0.1 ml, 不含管盖, 10X12
    0030124812 PCR Tube Strips 0.1 mL and Cap Strips, domed, 120 pcs. each 八联管, 0.1 ml, 含圆盖, 10x12
    0030124820 PCR Tube Strips 0.1 mL and Cap Strips, flat, 120 pcs. each 八联管, 0.1 ml, 含平盖, 10x12
    0030124839 Cap Strips, domed, 10 x 12 strips 8排管盖, 圆盖, 10 x 12
    0030124847 Cap Strips, flat, 10x12 strips 8排管盖, 平盖, 10 x 12
    0030127153 Capping Aid, 1 pcs. 封盖器, 1
    0030127781 PCR Film (self-adhesive), 100 pieces PCR 封口膜(自粘性), 100
    0030127790 PCR Foil (self-adhesive), 100 pieces PCR 箔膜(自粘性), 100
    0030127838 Heat Sealing film, 100 pcs. 热封膜, 100
    0030127854 Heat Sealing foil, 100 pcs. 热封箔膜, 100
    0030127870 Storage Film (self-adhesive), 100 pcs. 存储用封板膜(自粘性), 100
    0030127889 Storage Foil (self-adhesive), 100 pcs. 存储用箔膜(自粘性),100
    0030128338 twin.tec PCR Plate 384, with barcode(s), def. color (wells colorless), 300 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, 带条形码, (孔无色) 无色, 300
    0030128460 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted with barcode(s), indiv. color (Wells colorless), 25 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边,条形码, (孔无色), 25
    0030128478 twin.tec PCR Plate 96,semi- skirted, with barcode(s), def. color (wells colorless),25 pcs twin.tec 96PCR, 半裙边,条形码, (孔无色), 25
    0030128486 twin.tec PCR Plate 384, with barcode(s), indiv. color (Wells colorless), 25 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, 条形码, (孔无色), 25
    0030128508 twin.tec PCR Plate 384, (Wells colorless) Colorless, 25 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色) 无色, 25
    0030128532 twin.tec PCR Plate 384 (Wells colorless) Blue, 25 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色) 蓝色, 25
    0030128575 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, semi- skirted (Wells colorless) Colorless, 25 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 半裙边(孔无色) 无色, 25
    0030128605 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, semi- skirted (Wells colorless) Blue, 25 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 半裙边(孔无色) 蓝色, 25
    0030128648 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells colorless) Colorless, 25 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边(孔无色) 白色, 25
    0030128672 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells colorless) Blue, 25 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边(孔无色), 蓝色, 25
    0030128702 twin.tec PCR Plate 96 skirted, with barcode(s), def. color (wells colorless), 300 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边,条形码 (孔无色), 300
    0030128729 twin.tec PCR plate 96, barcode side surface A, semi-skirted (wells colorless),white,25pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 半裙边, 条形码 (孔无色), 无色,25
    0030128761 twin.tec PCR Plate 384 (Wells colorless) white, 25 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色),白色, 25
    0030128770 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells colorless) clear, 300 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边(孔无色),无色, 300
    0030128788 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells colorless) yellow, 300 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边(孔无色),黄色, 300
    0030128796 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells colorless) green, 300 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边(孔无色),绿色, 300
    0030128800 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells black) Yellow, 25 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边(孔黑色),黄色, 25
    0030128818 twin.tec PCR Plate 384 (Wells black), Yellow, 25 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔黑色),黄色, 25
    0030128842 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells colorless) blue, 300 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边(孔无色),蓝色, 300
    0030128850 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells colorless) red, 300 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边(孔无色),红色, 300
    0030128869 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, semi-skirted, (Wells colorless) clear, 300 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 半裙边(孔无色),透明色, 300
    0030128877 twin.tec PCR Plate 96,semi-skirted, with barcode(s),def. color (wells colorless),300pcs twin.tec 96PCR, 半裙边, 条形码(孔无色), 300
    0030128885 twin.tec PCR Plate 384 (Wells colorless) orange, 300 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色), 橙色, 300
    0030128893 twin.tec PCR Plate 384, (Wells colorless) Black, 300 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色), 黑色, 300
    0030128931 twin.tec PCR Plate 384 (Wells colorless) colorless, 300 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色), 无色, 300
    0030128940 twin.tec PCR Plate 384 (Wells colorless) yellow, 300 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色), 黄色, 300
    0030128958 twin.tec PCR Plate 384 (Wells colorless) green, 300 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色), 绿色, 300
    0030128966 twin.tec PCR Plate 384 (Wells colorless) blue, 300 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色), 蓝色, 300
    0030128974 twin.tec PCR Plate 384 (Wells colorless) red, 300 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, (孔无色), 红色, 300
    0030128990 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, skirted (colorless wells), custom-made yellow, 300 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边(孔无色), 客户定制黄色, 300
    0030129300 twin.tec microbiology PCR Plate 96, skirted, clear, 10 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边, 微生物适用, 无色, 10
    0030129318 twin.tec microbiology PCR Plate 96, skirted, blue, 10 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边, 微生物适用, 蓝色, 10
    0030129326 twin.tec microbiology PCR Plate 96, semi-skirted, clear, 10 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 半裙边, 微生物适用, 无色, 10
    0030129334 twin.tec microbiology PCR Plate 96, semi-skirted, blue, 10 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 半裙边, 微生物适用, 蓝色, 10
    0030129342 twin.tec microbiology PCR Plate 384, clear, 10 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, 微生物适用, 无色, 10
    0030129350 twin.tec microbiology PCR Plate 384, blau, 10 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, 微生物适用, 蓝色, 10
    0030129369 twin.tec microbiology PCR Plate 96, skirted, with barcode(s), 10 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 全裙边, 微生物适用, 条形码, 10
    0030129377 twin.tec microbiology PCR Plate 96, semi-skirted, with barcode(s), 10 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 半裙边, 微生物适用, 条形码, 10
    0030129385 twin.tec microbiology PCR Plate 384, with barcode(s), 10 pcs. twin.tec 384PCR, 全裙边, 微生物适用, 条形码, 10
    0030129504 twin.tec PCR plate 96 LoBind, semi-skirted, clear, set of 25 twin.tec 96PCR, 低吸附, 半裙边, 无色, 25
    0030129512 twin.tec PCR plate 96 LoBind, skirted, clear, set of 25 twin.tec 96PCR, 低吸附, 全裙边, 无色, 25
    0030132505 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells white) Blue, 25 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 96孔板, 全裙边(孔白色), 蓝色, 25
    0030132513 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells white) White, 25 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 96孔板, 全裙边(孔白色), 白色, 25
    0030132521 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 96, skirted (Wells white) Black, 25 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 96孔板, 全裙边(孔白色), 黑色, 25
    0030132530 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 96, semi-skirted (Wells white) Blue, 25 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 96孔板, 半裙边(孔白色), 蓝色, 25
    0030132548 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 96, semi-skirted (Wells white) White, 25 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 96孔板, 半裙边(孔白色), 白色, 25
    0030132556 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 96, semi-skirted (Wells white) Black, 25 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 96孔板, 半裙边(孔白色), 黑色, 25
    0030132700 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 96, unskirted, low profile, white, 20 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 96孔板, 无裙边(孔白色), 低通量, 无色, 20
    0030132718 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 96, unskirted, low profile, blue, 20 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 96孔板, 无裙边(孔白色), 低通量, 蓝色, 20
    0030132726 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 96, unskirted, low profile, black, 20 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 96孔板, 无裙边(孔白色), 低通量, 黑色, 20
    0030132734 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 384, White, 25 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 384孔板, 白色, 25
    0030132742 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 384, Blue, 25 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 384孔板, 蓝色, 25
    0030132750 twin.tec real-time PCR Plate 384, Black, 25 pcs. twin.tec荧光定量PCR 384孔板, 黑色, 25
    0030132874 Masterclear Cap Strips, 10x12 = 120 pcs. Masterclear 8 联管盖, 10x12
    0030132882 real-time PCR Tube Strips, 10x12 = 120 pcs. 定量PCR 8联管, 无管盖,10x12
    0030132890 Masterclear Cap Strips and real-time PCR Tube Strips, 10x12 = 120 pcs. each Masterclear 8联管盖及定量PCR 8联管套装, 10x12
    0030132947 Masterclear real-time PCR Film (self-adhesive), 100 pieces Masterclear定量PCR粘性膜, 100
    0030133307 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, low profile, clear, 20 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 低通量, 无色, 20
    0030133315 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, low profile, yellow, 20 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 低通量, 黄色, 20
    0030133323 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, low profile, green, 20 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 低通量, 绿色, 20
    0030133331 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, low profile, blue, 20 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 低通量, 蓝色, 20
    0030133340 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, low profile, red, 20 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 低通量, 红色, 20
    0030133358 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, low profile, clear, divisible, 20 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 低通量, 无色, 可拆分, 20
    0030133366 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, clear (250µL), 20 pcs twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 常规通量(250 µl), 无色, 20
    0030133374 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, clear (250µL), di- visible, 20 pcs twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 常规通量(250 µl), 无色, 可拆分, 20
    0030133382 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, low profile, blue, divisible, 20 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 低通量, 蓝色, 可拆分, 20
    0030133390 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, blue (250µL), 20 pcs. twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 常规通量(250 µl), 蓝色, 20
    0030133404 twin.tec PCR Plate 96, un-skirted, blue (250µL), di- visible, 20 pcs twin.tec 96PCR, 无裙边, 常规通量(250 µl), 蓝色, 可拆分, 20
    0030133412 twin.tec Adapter for PCR Plate unskirted, for LC 481 twin.tec适配器, 适用半裙边PCR,用于罗氏定量 LC480
    3881000015 PCR-Cooler 0.2 ml Starter Set (1x pink, 1x blue) PCR-Cooler 低温指示冰盒, 0.2 ml 启动装 (1个粉红色冰盒, 1个蓝色冰盒)
    3881000023 PCR-Cooler 0.2 ml pink PCR-Cooler 低温指示冰盒 0.2 ml, 粉红色冰盒
    3881000031 PCR-Cooler 0.2 ml blue PCR-Cooler 低温指示冰盒 0.2 ml, 蓝色冰盒
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