• BXM51-10/K32防爆塑壳加铝合金照明动力配电箱图纸


     加工定制:是  额定电流:32 A 短路关合电流:16 KA 
     壳体防护等级:IP65  外形尺寸:1080*940*170 mm 外壳材质:工程塑料加铝合金外壳  
     型号:BXM51-10/K32  防爆标志:EXdeIICT6  防腐等级:WF2  
     防护等级:IP65  进出线口:G2-G3/4  产地:乐清  


    1. 本产品外壳采用高强玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂压制成型,外形美观;内置铝合金隔爆模块!
    2. 本产品内防爆箱为复合型防爆结构(钢板焊接为隔爆型结构),配电箱采用隔爆型结构,母线箱及接线箱采用增安型结构;
    3. 采用模块化设计,各种回路可以自由组合;
    4. 内装高分断小型断路器或塑壳式断路器,或交流接触器,热继电器等,通过操作防爆壳体外的手柄(或按钮)而实现分合;
    5. 本产品全面推出新型优化的设计方案及操作机构,结构紧凑合理、通用性强、操作灵活方便、手感好;
    6. 具有过载、短路、缺相等保护功能,也可根据用户要求增加漏电保护功能;
    7.所有外紧固件均采用抗强腐蚀的304不锈钢材质和防掉式设计,便于用户安装,维护;8. 布线方式,钢管或电缆、防爆软管均可;
    9. 可根据用户要求特殊定制;

    Product features
    1. This product is the shell made of high strength glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin molding, beautiful appearance; Built-in aluminum alloy flame-proof module!
    Explosion-proof box in 2. This product is compound explosion-proof structure (plates welded to the flameproof structure), distribution box adopts flameproof structure, mother box and junction box adopts the structure of increasing safety;
    3. Adopt modular design, all kinds of circuit can free combination;
    4. Built-in high marks broken small circuit breaker or molded case circuit breaker, or ac contactor, thermal relay, etc., by manipulating the flameproof shell outside the handle (or button) and its realization;
    5. This product is a comprehensive new optimized design scheme and operating mechanism, reasonable compact structure, high universality, convenient operation, feel is good;
    6. With overload, short circuit, lack of equal protection function, can also according to user requirements increase the electric leakage protection function;
    7. All fasteners are strong resistance to corrosion of 304 stainless steel material and the type design, easy installation and maintenance; 8. Wiring way, steel pipe or cable, explosion-proof hose;
    9. Can be special customized according to user requirements;

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